Sport Display Recalibration – ECM Titanium tuning tips
Sport Display Recalibration – ECM Titanium tuning tips
Tre nuovi protocolli per aiutarti ancora di più nel tuo lavoro quotidiano. Grazie a questo aggiornamento, lavori con K-TAG in Service Mode – direttamente dal connettore – in Boot Mode – a centralina aperta.
Ecco le tre ECU da oggi disponibili per K-TAG:
I veicoli che si aggiungono sono mezzi da lavoro, diffusi in molti ambiti differenti e tutti nuovissimi. Decine di mezzi su cui da oggi potrai intervenire per soddisfare le esigenze dei tuoi clienti. Niente più centraline da aprire, margine di errore notevolmente ridotto e più servizi per i tuoi clienti.
New K-TAG Protocol
Read, write and clone in Service Mode
Compact | 229D XHP | Diesel | 82 Kw |
Read, write and clone in Service Mode
Spider excavator | R755 3.8L | Diesel | 85 Kw |
Spider excavator | R755H 3.8L | Diesel | 85 Kw |
Spider excavator | R855 Big Foot 3.8L | Diesel | 85 Kw |
Spider excavator | R855 Forester 3.8L | Diesel | 85 Kw |
Spider excavator | R955 3.8L | Diesel | 85 Kw |
Telehandler | Agri Farmer 30.7 GD 3.8L | Diesel | 80 Kw |
Telehandler | Agri Farmer 30.9 GD 3.8L | Diesel | 80 Kw |
Telehandler | Agri Farmer 32.9 GD 3.8L | Diesel | 80 Kw |
Telehandler | Agri Farmer 34.7 GD 3.8L | Diesel | 80 Kw |
Telehandler | D 62.21 GD 3.8L | Diesel | 80 Kw |
Telehandler | D 62.29 GD 3.8L | Diesel | 80 Kw |
Telehandler | D 66.21 GD 3.8L | Diesel | 80 Kw |
Telehandler | D 66.29 GD 3.8L | Diesel | 80 Kw |
Telehandler | Dedalus 28.7 GD 3.8L | Diesel | 80 Kw |
Telehandler | Dedalus 28.9 GD 3.8L | Diesel | 80 Kw |
Telehandler | Dedalus 30.7 GD 3.8L | Diesel | 80 Kw |
Telehandler | Dedalus 30.9 GD 3.8L | Diesel | 80 Kw |
Telehandler | I 10.44 C – GD | Diesel | 85 Kw |
Telehandler | I 11.58 C – GD | Diesel | 85 Kw |
Telehandler | I 12.56 C – GD | Diesel | 85 Kw |
Telehandler | Icarus 40.14 GD 3.8L | Diesel | 85 Kw |
Telehandler | Icarus 40.17 GD 3.8L | Diesel | 85 Kw |
Telehandler | Icarus 50.18 GD 3.8L | Diesel | 85 Kw |
Read, write and clone in Service Mode
Spider excavator | R955 3.8L | Diesel | 85 Kw |
Spider excavator | R855 Forester 3.8L | Diesel | 85 Kw |
Spider excavator | R855 Big Foot 3.8L | Diesel | 85 Kw |
Spider excavator | R755H 3.8L | Diesel | 85 Kw |
Spider excavator | R755 3.8L | Diesel | 85 Kw |
Spider excavator | R955 3.8L | Diesel | 85 Kw |
New K-TAG Protocol
Read, write and clone in Service Mode
Combine Harvester | DR120 – 3.8L | Diesel | 88 Kw |
M Series | 5091 – 3.8L | Diesel | 70 Kw |
M Series | M100GX 3.7L | Diesel | 71 Kw |
M Series | M110GX 3.7L | Diesel | 79 Kw |
M Series | M135GX 6.1L | Diesel | 99 Kw |
M Series | M6060 DTH 3.3L | Diesel | 48 Kw |
M Series | M7060 DTH 3.3L | Diesel | 54 Kw |
M Series | M8560 DTH – 3.8L | Diesel | 64 Kw |
M Series | M9960 DTH – 3.8L | Diesel | 74 Kw |
Skid Steer Loader | SLV90-2 – 3.8L | Diesel | 67 Kw |
New K-TAG Protocol
Read, write and clone in Service Mode
Telehandler | 536-95 Agri 4.4L I4 | Diesel | 85 Kw |
Qualsiasi sia la ECU e la TCU su cui devi intervenire, con K-TAG puoi farlo in totale sicurezza.
A great help for your everyday work.
K-TAG is the tool for professionals, designed and built by professionals. Any of your business need will be satisfied , tuning cars. bikes, trucks, tractors and boats in an accurate and performing way. These three new Service Mode protocols will allow you to read and write easily, safer and quicker. We help you in your everyday work, giving you the possibility to operate not only on thousands of cars, bikes and trucks, but also on multiple function vehicles popular in the entire world!
More efficiency, less waste!
The handling work in intensive applications needs a big consumption of fuel and has a high pollution impact, also acoustic; in some very intense agricultural applications the machines are not able to perform good enough to optimize their productivity at the best. You can improve this a lot having better performances and productivity, without even open the ECU!
You can have a stronger boost at low revs, faster hydraulic movements and a better loading capacity with less fuel consumption on a long term. Moreover, the lowering of the engine revs and of the noise improves a lot the quality of your daily work.
Sport Display Recalibration – ECM Titanium tuning tips
Questo nuovo maxi sviluppo ti consente di intervenire sulle ECU Denso GEN IV R7F702002 V35A-FTS, installate su vari modelli off- road Toyota e Lexus, nonché su altre 19 centraline fra ECU e TCU.
Intervieni in tutte le modalità di connessione con 18 nuovi protocolli dedicati al mondo auto. Questo è uno dei più grandi rilasci per KESS3: amplia ora il margine di intervento della tua officina.
Modifica con semplicità ed efficacia i parametri motore di numerosi veicoli a marchio Chevrolet, Holden e Opel.
REV limiter – Diesel – ECM Titanium tuning tips
Siamo un’azienda che, da trent’anni, inventa, crea e produce i migliori strumenti e software per il chiptuning e la meccatronica.
In questi anni di duro lavoro, da piccola realtà di provincia, siamo diventati una multinazionale con sedi e rivenditori in tutto il mondo.
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Alientech Srl Cap. Soc. € 10.329,14 P.IVA IT02007510023 Registro Produttori AEE IT10120000006984